Dynamic Medical Solutions
Redefining basic medical care
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Medical Technology Alma Medical



Oxford HELP

SPONTANEOUS RESPIRATION The Oxford HELP® is excellent when using all types of supra- glottal airway in the patient with mild obesity. It greatly improves respiratory effort and oxygen saturation. Therefore, use of the Oxford HELP® is not limited to the morbidly obese, intubated patient.

RAPID SEQUENCE INDUCTIONS The Oxford HELP® increases the thyromental distance and improves cricoid access during rapid sequence inductions. Laryngoscopy is greatly improved. In anaesthetic emergencies, the Oxford HELP® can be rapidly and easily positioned.

Post-operative Care/Recovery The Oxford HELP® improves the respiratory dynamics of all compromised patients, if it is difficult to maintain oxygen saturations.

Regional Blocks and Sedation The Oxford HELP® is ideal for use in regional anaesthesia with sedation. The Oxford HELP® prevents obstruction and affords a comfortable and reassuring posture for the patient, lowering anxiety.

Obstetrics The Oxford HELP® is an invaluable aid in the prevention of failed intubation. However, it is recommended that all obstetric patients, crash section, or booked regional section patients are placed on this device: Regional patients are more comfortable on the Oxford HELP® regardless of BMI. If the regional section converts to G.A., it would be problematical to try and insert the Oxford HELP®...
